Spy Surveillance Article

Spy Surveillance Article

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Spy Surveillance Equipment

Your home is where you and your family want to be safe from the daily stresses of life and most definitely from crime. A burglary happens every 15 seconds in this country.

Provisional Crime Statistics - 2005 compared to 2004

Headline Crime Incidents Provisional Total 2005 Total 2004 Difference Percent
Burglary 25,990 24,471 1,519 6%
Aggravated Burglary 279 284 -5 -2%

Reported burglary statistics for 2004

  • Forcible entry burglaries accounted for 62.8% of the burglary offenses
  • Unlawful entry comprised 30.8%
  • Attempted forcible entry accounted for approximately 6.5%

A review of burglary data in which the time of the offense was known showed that most residential burglaries, 61.7 percent, occurred during daytime hours, and most nonresidential burglaries, 57.7 percent, occurred at night. The time of occurrence for 24.1% of burglaries was unknown.

Dated 5/11/06 CNet news

The National Security Agency has been secretly collecting the phone call records of tens of millions of Americans, using data provided by AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth, people with direct knowledge of the arrangement told USA TODAY. The NSA program reaches into homes and businesses across the nation by amassing information about the calls of ordinary Americans ? most of whom aren't suspected of any crime

Dated 5/17/06 Zdnet news

SAN FRANCISCO--An AT&T attorney indicated in federal court on Wednesday that the Bush administration may have provided legal authorization for the telecommunications company to open its network to the National Security Agency.

Have you ever asked yourself what if I or my family was home during a burglary?

Most Burglaries happen during daytime hours because this is the time many of us are working, going to school, etc. Spy surveillance equipment helps us to protect our privacy and our homes from burglary. They give us confidence of secured living. However spy gear should be not used for illegal purposes which is a violation of law ,it may lead to other problems.

Is Spy gear legal?

Many people when they first start determining whether or not they have a need or desire for spy gear wonder if it is legal. Spy gear is used to do a great many things, include investigate information that others would like to keep private. Such a use might suggest that purchasing spy equipment is illegal.

Even though some of the things people use spy stuff for are illegal, actually buying and owning the equipment is not.

Law enforcement and government officials are not the only people who can buy spy equipment. However, it is important to note that they usually have legal reasons for invading others privacy, and you should carefully consider whether or not the uses you have for your gear are legal.

The most legal and eligible uses of spy gear involve the uses that protect property and home. Things like GPS trackers in cars and surveillance cameras on homes are practical uses of spy equipment that can help you protect your possessions and your family. Additionally, most places recognize that you can spy in your own home, and therefore it is acceptable to use a hidden camera in various places about the house in order to keep an eye on caregivers, teenagers, housekeepers, and guests.

In the United States, as well as many other countries with democratic forms of governments, individual rights are prized. It would not make sense in such cases to deny spy gear to the public while allowing the government to make liberal use of it. This means that it is legal to purchase, and even to use spy surveillance equipment and spy gadgets. However, it is up to you to make sure that what you are doing with your spy gear is not in violation of the law.

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