Batons - Premium quality self- defense batons
We stock several high-quality batons and are categorized as regular and police-grade collections. Choose the one that suits you the best. The batons are the first weapons handed to law enforcement. They are regarded as one of the most useful and reliable instruments carried by cops. We offer both normal and professional police duty grade batons to different departments.
Officers are mastering our straight baton with pride, utilized for communication, traffic control, and detaining offenders. In addition, our batons become an excellent mechanical leverage instrument to free arms and hands for cuffing when subjects who have not yet been searched are on the ground in the prone position.
We also deliver stun guns that render chemical agents to deter the subject. Straight sticks and expandable batons can also be placed over the backs of a prone individual's knees with downward pressure to secure legs and prevent the subject from kicking officers.
The baton is a multi-purpose, street-ready instrument that may be swiftly retrieved and used as a weapon or a control tool. It can also open doors during searches and break the glass panes of vehicles and buildings when necessary.
We offer different types of batons that are reliable intermediate-level, less-lethal self-defense and control weapons. They can be quickly deployed and employed as a striking, jabbing, and leveraging device when properly yielded by a qualified cop. However, a well-placed baton strike or strikes can not only cause severe pain, but will also produce debilitating, threat-stopping trauma to major muscle groups, as well as nerve diversions and fractures to the attacking subject's body weapons such as hands, arms, legs, and feet.
Our expandable batons strike your opponent with a tremendous sting. Some batons contain an LED stun on end, which increases the likelihood of momentarily incapacitating the person you intend to incapacitate. While extendable batons are relatively light, they may exert up to 30 pounds of pressure when wielded. Expandable batons manage to remain menacing and powerful despite their modest size and portability.
Our easy-to-carry and port batons have the advantage of not requiring ammunition or other attachments to use. In addition, most of our batons come with a halter without any additional fees. Our self-defense batons are ready to use the day you purchase them.

Police Force 12,000,000 Tactical Stun Baton Flashlight
hr mins ago.